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Traveling on a budget

Recently I read an article about traveling and how to save money with hotel rooms. Usually when I go for my fishing trips I tend to use hotel booking websites like agoda and the likes to scout for great deals. However, recently I started using Hotel comparison tools available online and got pretty great deals.
You can read more about it here -- Best Resort Hotel booking

Traveling? Need Hotels?

Aseania Resort Pulau Besar is famous for it part as the location and accommodation for filming of Expedition Robinson an European Survivor Series. A wonderful resort great for fishing trips.



Key West Fishing

Follow in the wake of legendary sportsman Ernest Hemingway on a deep sea fishing charter or fish the backcountry with a local flats guide and target permit, bonefish and tarpon, the Silver Kings. Check out the fish photos and see what’s being caught off Bone Island this week.FISH PHOTOS