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Steps in buying a fishing rod

Rods are very specialized. For bass fishing you need a heavy rod for worms, a long, somewhat limber rod for crankbaits, a short, stiff rod for spinnerbaits and a light rod for casting ultralight lures. Choose from spinnning or baitcasting - you can get all actions in both. Walleye fishermen need different rods for different applications, too.
First decide on the rod type - Spinner or Baitcasting
Then select rod height (8', 9', 10'...)
Selct Rod action (From ultra light to mag heavy)
of course the budget.

Step One
Test the grip of the rod. Make sure the handle fits snugly in your palm.

Step Two
Choose the length of rod. 4½- to 6-foot rods are suited for lighter bait and fish such as perch and crappie. Shorter rods also work well in brushy areas. Rods 6½ feet and longer are good for bigger bait, longer casting distance and rougher fish (bass and catfish).

Step Three
Test for flexibility. Hold the rod in your hand as if you are casting, flip the end, and watch the tip for movement.

Tips & Warnings
Most sporting goods stores have experts to help you choose the rod for your type of fishing. Have an idea of how often you're going to fish, what type of fish you want to catch and where you'll be fishing. .

If buying used fishing equipment, check the rod for hairline cracks on the pole. When testing flexibility, listen for any cracking noise from the tip of pole.

Direction of the bend - With the rod tip facing you, bend the rod with one hand near the tip, and one hand near mid section of the rod. Do not hold the rod tightly while bending and let it move freely. Check and see if the ring's position is the same as the bend direction. This will help to determine if the line will sway when casting. Most mass produced rods do not conform to this. Only custom-made rods will. But, if you can get one at a mass production price, it would be a great buy.

Traveling? Need Hotels?

Aseania Resort Pulau Besar is famous for it part as the location and accommodation for filming of Expedition Robinson an European Survivor Series. A wonderful resort great for fishing trips.



Key West Fishing

Follow in the wake of legendary sportsman Ernest Hemingway on a deep sea fishing charter or fish the backcountry with a local flats guide and target permit, bonefish and tarpon, the Silver Kings. Check out the fish photos and see what’s being caught off Bone Island this week.FISH PHOTOS