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EXCLUSIVE - Little Black Book of Fishing

Little black book

The long awaited, updated Little Black Book of Fishing is out!
This is the release candidate version 0.5 before the full release version 1.1 this July in print.

This booklet will be available to the first 50 readers who SUBSCRIBE to Fishingtime & contact us!

Please provide your email address and tell us about yourself : Name and types of fishing interested.
First come first served.

Now the ebook is available for download (Download link above)

Traveling? Need Hotels?

Aseania Resort Pulau Besar is famous for it part as the location and accommodation for filming of Expedition Robinson an European Survivor Series. A wonderful resort great for fishing trips.



Key West Fishing

Follow in the wake of legendary sportsman Ernest Hemingway on a deep sea fishing charter or fish the backcountry with a local flats guide and target permit, bonefish and tarpon, the Silver Kings. Check out the fish photos and see what’s being caught off Bone Island this week.FISH PHOTOS